Pet Sitter Insurance and Bonding

“Licensed, insured, and bonded” pet sitters


by THERESE on NOVEMBER 27, 2007

Many pet sitters say they are “licensed, bonded, and insured” and proudly display it on their marketing materials and websites. What does all of this actually mean though? Insurance and bonding are pretty straightforward, but it’s the use of the word “licensed” that can be a bit confusing.

Pet sitter liability insurance works much like any other insurance. It covers accidents that may affect the client’s pets or property while the pet sitter is on an assignment.

Bonding is most appropriate for companies that hire employees. A fidelity bond (or dishonesty bond) usually insures a business in the event that an employee steals from a client. If this happens, and the employee is found guilty of theft, the bonding company will pay for the stolen items. Many sole-proprietors are bonded, but this is mostly for their clients’ peace of mind.


There are no professional licensing requirements for pet sitters. Anyone who wants to open a pet sitting business can do so without any formal training, and no licensing tests are required. Many pet sitters have taken pet related classes such as pet behavior, dog training, first aid, or business courses.


To verify your pet sitter is properly insured and bonded, Contact Business Insurers of the Carolinas at 1 (800) 962-4611.