Avoid and Stop Dog Fights

Fights Between Dogs — How to Avoid and Stop Them
SOURCE: http://www.paw-rescue.org/PAW/PETTIPS/DogTip_FightsBetweenDogs.php
Following are excerpts from a recent PetLife article (part 1), a summary of a video program from trainer Ian Dunbar (part 2), and quick tips for avoiding and stopping fights between dogs (parts 3 and 4).

Also, be sure to see last week’s tip about Bite Inhibition. You can find it on the PAW website under Pet Tips. Also, watch for next week’s tip, which will cover ways to reduce aggression between dogs in the same household.

1. From “Ready to Rumble” by Cherie Langlois in the February 2003 issue of PetLife:

2. From Dr. Dunbar’s Video “Dog Aggression: Fighting”:


3. Tips for avoiding fights:


4. Ideas for breaking up a fight:

READ TIPS HERE: http://www.paw-rescue.org/PAW/PETTIPS/DogTip_FightsBetweenDogs.php

Also see the tipsheets:

* Bite Inhibition: An Important Part of Socialization



* Avoiding and Preventing Dog Bites